Email Problems - No incoming connection from certain hosts

I'm not sure exactly whats going on, but I appear to have a problem receiving e-mails from certain domains. The domains in question are on 2 servers, one of which is also hosted at ThePlanet. I have disabled my firewall and installed a packet sniffer, but see no incoming connections from the servers in question. E-mail from everywhere else works just fine and I can actually send to these servers, but emails sent from them just seem to disappear. Since the remote server doesn't even attempt to connect, I can't see how it would be related to my mailserver. I don't have access to log files from the remote servers, so I don't know what else to try. Any suggestions?

5 Replies

Are those machines using a nameserver that's serving them stale info? See what those machines think the MX records are for your domain.


you might wanna check the rbls to see if your ip is on a blacklist.. you can also call up theplanet and ask them to troubleshoot.. see if they have your ip in a list as well.

As far as I can tell, the MX records look to be correct for both. I did a nslookup on one and a "domain lookup" through cpanel on the other.

I checked my ip using and it doesn't appear to be blacklisted anywhere.

I have it working now. It was actually a stale MX record. Thanks everyone for all the help.


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