I'm new to Linode and have some questions.

Linode Staff

Do we have public IPs?

What are the connection methods?

Should we choose or install the operating system?

Can we install software like Java, a database, or any software we need?

1 Reply

Do we have public IPs?

Yes, each new Linode is assigned a public IP4 and IPv6 address when it is created. You also have the ability to add a private IPv4 address as well from the Remote Access section of the Linode Manager.

What are the connection methods?

You can connect to your Linode in many ways like SSH or FTP. We also have our own shell which you can access from the Linode Manager called Lish

Should we choose or install the operating system?

You can use one of our supplied Linux distributions or you can deploy a custom distribution if you would like to use one that we do not offer.

Can we install software like Java, a database, or any software we need?

Yes, you are the admin of your Linode. Since you have full root access, you are able to install software for any application that you need to use your Linode for. We offer a lot of guides and tutorials on our Docs Page that you may find useful while getting started


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