Tomcat died? - SOLVED

I have been running Tomcat on my linode. It has been going great, but just today, while troubleshooting a webapp, it stopped coming up in the browser. Netstat still shows it as running on port 80 (I changed the default port). I figured I had messed up something in my server.xml (the only config file I have touched) so I replaced mine with the original, right out of the tar archive I downloaded it in. It still wouldn't come up, the connection would time out. So I removed the Tomcat, and reinstalled it from the same archive I got it in. It still doesn't show up. I shut down the firewall. I closed down Xvnc, rebooted, and tried starting Tomcat again from the ssh prompt, then navigating to my linode from the local machine. Nothing. What is going on? It has been working great till now, and I have a deadline this weekend! This is not good!

I have not checked the log files yet (and I am not sure what to look for) but I am going to now. Meanwhile, I really need a few hints!

3 Replies

Fixed it. No one seems to be using tomcat, I guess? If someone wants to know what happened, just post and I'll explain.

post it anyway… google indexes the forums.

I wouldn't mind hearing myself. I just got a server running tomcat and plan on having a couple more.

I'm not running tomcat directly though, I'm running it behind nginx, although that shouldn't matter.


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