How do I create a wildcard domain in the DNS Manager?

Linode Staff

Hello - I am trying to make a wildcard DNS A record. I would like anything that is staging.[whatever] to go to a different IP than my main wildcard domain.

I can do * with no problem, but I can't do staging.*

Is this possible in DNS?

2 Replies

The DNS record that you wish to use is not valid, as a wildcard must always be the furthest subdomain from the TLD. This can be seen on Wikipedia's documentation for wildcard domains.

If you wish to have a staging version of a wildcard subdomain point to a different IP, you might want to try *


I want to add a wildcard subdomain CNAME, but I get the below error:
• You have entered an invalid target. It must be a valid hostname.
• Invalid hostname '*.stats'

The information being submitted:
hostname: *
aliases to: click.other.tld. (yes there is a dot at the end)

Please guide.


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