Odd application crashes post-Xen migration

So…since I've been moved to a Xen host, I've had a few annoying problems with two select apps: htop and vim. I'll explain one at a time:

1. htop. This worked perfectly pre-Xen, and it works fine in a "normal" ssh session. When run from within GNU Screen, though, it crashes. Here's the strace output in case that helps the troubleshooting process along:


I'm running htop-0.7, which is the latest release.

2. vim. This one is quite odd as well. Vim works fine when run from a PuTTY session. When I ssh from a cygwin session, though, it crashes. This is with vim-7.1.266, which is quite recent as well. Here's the strace from this crash:


My thinking is that this has something to do with the terminal type, but I don't see why that would be any different now than when I was running under UML.

Any ideas? Thanks!

7 Replies

htop and vim work fine for me on a xen host. What version of glibc do you have? Does /lib/tls exist?


htop and vim work fine for me on a xen host. What version of glibc do you have? Does /lib/tls exist?

I'm on glibc-2.6.1, and no, I have no /lib/tls.

Does htop run okay for you from within screen?

both run fine for me within screen

mwalling@you ~$ echo $TERM

Bump: added strace output from vim…



htop and vim work fine for me on a xen host. What version of glibc do you have? Does /lib/tls exist?

I'm on glibc-2.6.1, and no, I have no /lib/tls.

Does htop run okay for you from within screen?
Hmm, not sure if tls was supposed to exist on glibc-2.6. Try reinstalling glibc?

What distro is this? Can you build htop with debugging symbols, and run it in gdb to get a backtrace?

I too am seeing the same htop behavior post-migration. Also in htop 0.8.

strace: http://pastebin.linode.com/923

EDIT: Er, oh, forgot about gdb. My terminal is all screwed up following the segfault, but here's what I get:

(gdb) bt

0 0xb7bdcae1 in Gpm_Open () from /lib/libgpm.so.1

Maybe it's time to look into screen+gpm?? I don't have putty/cygwin to test the original post's other problem, but I see that it also links against gpm.

Indeed, compiling htop without GPM support has removed the segfault. I'm satisfied with this solution (GPM tends to annoy me anyway), but for people's investigation or own problems, that's what fixed it for me… Dollars to donuts, that would fix vim too.


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