Short-time Linode rental (one day, week, month)?

Hi, all. Recently, I began offering a service whereby I run a bandwidth, CPU, and memory-intensive task for a customer. The whole process takes less than a day.

So I signed up for a new higher-end linode to take the burden off my main system; and I intend to cancel the service as soon as my task is complete.

Then I got to thinking, perhaps this one-off subscription is not so welcome by Linode staff. Everything seems well-automated, so I would think that it's not a problem; but I wouldn't want to cause trouble.

Does anybody know how Linode feels about setting up a system, using it for one day, and then canceling? I know they pro-rate for the first partial month (not relevant this time since today is April 1), but I think that may factor into it. I just need about a gig of ram and good bandwidth on-demand, for a one-day task. If my customer asks me to go on, say, the 25th of the month, am I ripping Linode off?

Thanks, all.

2 Replies

I can't speak for linode, but amazon has a service designed for such transient tasks:

That's a good point, bdonlan. I will have to check them out. I'm skeptical that their network performance will be enough, based on things I've heard about S3. But it's worth a try. I know that the Dallas linodes get a 1.3ms ping time from the customer systems that I need to test. (Fremont is about 40ms and Atalanta is 20ms.)


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