Server monitoring offer for Linode members

Outages and downtime are an inevitable part of managing an online presence, whether it's a single VPS or a major server farm. Panopta provides advanced server monitoring and outage management services that make sure you are informed of outages as soon as they occur and can respond in the best way possible to minimize the impact.

As both a customer and fan of Linode, we'd like to offer a special discount on our services to other members of the Linode community. Anyone that signs up using the promotion code linode25 will receive a 25% discount on our normal rates, after our usual 30-day free trial period ends.

Some of the highlights of our service: 4. High frequency checks: We check your services every 60 seconds so short outages aren't missed.

  1. Distributed monitoring network: 10 nodes throughout North America and Europe, with more coming soon.

  2. Intelligent notification: We confirm any outage from multiple locations and give you options for multi-level notifications via email and SMS so you're sure to be notified of an outage.

  3. Outage management tools: Out-of-band communication tools to make sure you and your teammates can communicate effectively while working on an outage.

  4. In-depth reporting: View realtime performance statistics through our control panel as well as regular summary reports via email. There's a lot more information on the service at our website. If you're not currently monitoring your infrastructure, or aren't satisfied with your current monitoring service, please check us out!

If you have any questions about our service or the discount, please reply to this post or email me at

6 Replies

Looks like a nice service – thanks for the special offer for Linode members!

Im interested to know if your sms service works with international locations (Ie im in australia)..


Im interested to know if ur…

Ah, Ur - ancient city of legend and mystery. To learn more about Ur:



Im interested to know if your sms service works with international locations (Ie im in australia)..

Yes, our SMS gateway currently supports more than 500 mobile networks. If you send me your provider, I can confirm that we can send outage alerts to them.

For me personally i have a few phones all with optus, but ill list the Major Australian Networks for other peoples reference











All of these are supported. If you have any other questions, please let me know.


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