No console login after booting latest kernel [SOLVED]

Running Gentoo. Hadn't rebooted since January, despite the security advisory for kernel. Finally decided to emerge -uDN world, then rebooted latest kernel.

At the end of initialization, I never get a console login prompt via LiSH. I can ssh, and everything is running OK. So, this is more of an annoyance, at this point, but I would like to regain console access.

I can't figure out if the problem is the kernel update, or one of the 84 upgraded distro packages. (From all the updates, only sys-apps/baselayout- stands out as a possible suspect.)

Any ideas on how to debug this?

5 Replies

You likely accepted etc-updates that you shouldn't have.

Make sure your /etc/inittab has a getting listening on tty0 (tty1 for Xen). The other getty lines should be commented out. Save, then run "init q". A login prompt should appear on your console.



As is usually the case, you're right! A an update to sys-apps/sysvinit provided a new /etc/inittab, and when I merged it I must've let it remove this line:

c0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty0 linux

Thanks for the stellar support, even for non VPS issues like this one. I love my Linode.

I'm having a similar problem, but this doesn't fix it for me. When I try to connect using LISH, it gets to "Starting anacron: [ OK ]" and just sits there. I have

0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty0

in my inittab and I tried to replace it with

c0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty0 linux

but it didn't seem to help. I tried disabling everything but the essential services, but I don't know where else go go from here. Any advice?


Make sure your /etc/inittab has a getting listening on tty0 (tty1 for Xen).

Are you running Xen or UML? ("Xenodes" will have the Xen logo in the upper right hand corner of the member dashboard)

I don't see a zen logo, so I guess it must be UML.


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