who do you use for a windows VPS?

Hi Guys,

I've got a project that unfortunately requires IIS, .Net 2.0 and MS SQL2005 so who do you recommend for a windows VPS? Or should I just go for an "account" on a webserver versus VPS?

3 Replies

vpsland.com/winplans.html seems pretty reasonable. They have a sale on now for double the RAM.

But I feel dirty even looking at that page for too long…

Actually, go with krypt.com. I've been playing with a Windows Server 2003 VPS from them; their support is amazing.

Enter VPS10 as a code for $10/month off :-)


But I feel dirty even looking at that page for too long…

I see what you mean. And look at this great feature they offer: "Run .exe's and Software 24/7/365"

They let me run SOFTWARE! Huzzah! So long, Linode!!


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