IO Token checking nagios plugin

I'm just all about writing stuff tonight.

This plugin can be used to monitor available IO tokens. It's pretty self-explanatory.

Edit: Fixed the bug listed in the reply

TOKENS=`cat /proc/io_status | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'=' -f2`

if [[ $TOKENS -lt 500000 ]]; then
        echo "CRITICAL: Only $TOKENS io_tokens available"
        exit 2
elif [[ $TOKENS -lt 1000000 ]]; then
        echo "WARNING: Only $TOKENS io_tokens available"
        exit 1
        echo "OK: $TOKENS io_tokens available"
        exit 0

echo "UNKNOWN: Ack! You shouldn't have gotten here!"
exit 255

3 Replies

Nice idea. Have been meaning to look at nagios for ages, I heard it was easy to write custom plugins!

Looks to me like you'll never hit the critical condition though - you probably want to do the lt 50000 test before the lt 100000 test?

That's awfully clever of you, and awfully stupid of me.


Nice idea. Have been meaning to look at nagios for ages, I heard it was easy to write custom plugins!

Looks to me like you'll never hit the critical condition though - you probably want to do the lt 50000 test before the lt 100000 test?

Nagios plugins are SUPER EASY. Catch me on #linode if you ever have any questions, I've written a ton of stuff, and done a lot of nagios work.


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