TLS Monitoring Script

Hi all,

The other day, when I upgraded some packages on my box, apparently and upgrade to libc was there that I didn't see. Having /lib/tls on my box again killed performance, so I wrote up a little script to help monitor, and I'm sharing it here.

This script will write a syslog entry everytime it runs, saying whether or not /lib/tls exists, and if it finds a /lib/tls directory, it will remove it and email the address specified.

Basically, you copy the script to /usr/local/bin/ and add a cronjob to run it.

Edit: It occured to me that my script should delete /lib/tls, instead of poking me to do it. Edited version below and uploaded. Cronjob: (in /etc/crontab format)

00 1    * * *   root    /usr/local/bin/check_tls >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Script: (can also be downloaded from

# Script to see if TLS exists. If it exists, email $email
# Released into Public Domain 3/12/2008 by Jason Faulkner

# Put your email address here

if [[ -d /lib/tls ]]; then
        echo "TLS Exists at /lib/tls on `hostname -f`. Removing." \
          | mail -s "TLS Exists" $email
        rm -rf /lib/tls
        logger -i -t "check_tls" "TLS Check: /lib/tls exists, removing and emailing $email"
        logger -i -t "check_tls" "TLS Check: /lib/tls does not exist, not emailing $email"


3 Replies

I was under the impression that UML had fixed the issue where TLS caused such performance problems. Is this not the case?


I was under the impression that UML had fixed the issue where TLS caused such performance problems.
Me too :). I've never heard of anyone else hitting problems with NPTL/TLS.

Anyone want to test?


I certainly experienced some issues using hardy w/TLS … moving the TLS libs out of the way fixed my problem.

Perhaps something specific to new libc?


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