Browser Based Access to Lish, problem.

Everything works ok when I use Firefox. But with IE I cannot write characters like "[", "]", "{", and "}" for example. Also the swedish letters "åäöÅÄÖ" cannot be written. I don't remember wheter the swedish letters were possible with Firefox or not but with IE they are not possible. How do I solve this?

Also, I can only have one java lish window open at any time. What can I do to make it work with several windows open at the same time in IE? My MS Windows client computer is just a dumb client. I have very limited access on it.

EDIT: Corrected spelling.

8 Replies

I don't know if this can be useful for you, but I use AjaxTerm to get a ssh-session-inside-the-browser. It is quite easy to install, and with a little tweak it will work even if your ssh doesn't listen to the TCP 22 port.

After protecting it using Apache with reverse proxy, https and .htaccess, I feel quite confident to use it when I cannot use PuTTY or similar.

It will not work for Lish, but I think you really don't need to use lish if you could get a web-based access to your box… am I wrong?

What if you screw up your firewall configuration and lock all your incoming ports? :D

Linode guys, correct me if I'm wrong…

LISH is an SSH session to the Host machine(e.g., not your vm. It then initiates a console (not ssh) session from the host server to your Linode VM. Its as if you were sitting in the datacenter in front of a monitor and keyboard.

As long as you can SSH to the host server, you can unfuddle your firewall.


Linode guys, correct me if I'm wrong…

LISH is an SSH session to the Host machine(e.g., not your vm. It then initiates a console (not ssh) session from the host server to your Linode VM. Its as if you were sitting in the datacenter in front of a monitor and keyboard.

As long as you can SSH to the host server, you can unfuddle your firewall.

Yes… my firewall comment was aimed at the person before me who implied that having an http accessible ssh session to his linode, within his linode was the same as lish. ;)

Yes, you're right. If your firewall is not working properly (or if it is working extremely well ;)) then AjaxTerm is not an option.

However, AjaxTerm could be a solution, with a little of help from Linode. There could be a link from inside the Member section to an AjaxTerm that will connect to your host's lish console using your username and asking your password. This way, you will get access to lish - and eventually to your box console - as with the Java client, but without Java (and it works with []{}áéíóúñ… )

If you have two boxes and one of them is reachable, this can be implemented by yourself. But maybe it is a good idea for Linode to provide this…


However, AjaxTerm could be a solution, with a little of help from Linode …. But maybe it is a good idea for Linode to provide this…
Um .. you mean the link off of the Utilities page? This is what harmone's initial post is regarding.


ooops… :oops: i'm ill, and it seems that my fever is worse than expected…

as he said "java lish" I thought you were using a Java applet, and I was so lazy that I didn't check it out…

please forget all that I have said in this thread…

But, he is right. Something is broken in that website.

With my own AjaxTerm, I can type á é í ó ú without problems.

With your AjaxTerm, I cannot…


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