packet loss to and my servers

I was getting about 80% packet loss for about 15 minutes just now… Here's the MPR output after things got back to normal (I don't have the output during the outage.) I think the routes are the same in any case. It looked like 0% packet loss everywhere except at the very last node ( Same with my VPSs.

Host Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev

1. 0.0% 54 0.2 0.3 0.2 1.6 0.2

2. 0.0% 54 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.2 0.1

3. ???

4. 0.0% 54 8.9 12.6 6.1 38.8 6.1

5. ???

6. ???

7. ???

8. 0.0% 54 37.4 46.3 31.9 214.3 30.1

9. ???

10. 0.0% 54 35.1 40.7 31.9 79.0 9.3

11. 0.0% 54 68.1 67.8 60.0 121.4 9.4

12. 0.0% 54 78.6 68.6 60.3 91.4 6.9

13. 0.0% 54 86.3 76.9 60.0 227.4 32.1

14. 0.0% 53 63.3 76.1 61.5 234.2 37.4

15. 0.0% 53 70.4 66.3 59.6 85.1 5.1

16. 0.0% 53 65.1 66.8 60.2 91.7 6.2

3 Replies

I noticed the same yesterday around the same time you did. My ISP is Cox, so I was thinking it was just a routing issue between Cox and ThePlanet. Is there a network status page for ThePlanet?

I noticed the same thing at the time you posted this. My Linode in Dallas never had any connection issues for several months (bought in September), but several times in the past couple months there has been packet loss.


I noticed the same thing at the time you posted this. My Linode in Dallas never had any connection issues for several months (bought in September), but several times in the past couple months there has been packet loss.

Same here. Several minutes ago I was just typing on my Linode, and all of a sudden SSH connection was dropped. This had happened several times during the past a few days..


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