Status of v3 API (EOL?)

Is the v3 API still active or been sunset? I came across a github PR claiming that the API was shut down at the end of July 2023 but I can't find any official announcements for this.
This is in relation to the certbot DNS plugin which needs to be updated if the v3 API is no longer active.

1 Reply

APIv3 was deprecated in 2018 in favor of APIv4 and was active until it was fully EOL'd on July 31st, 2023.

Long before that point, starting in 2020, customers could only renew existing APIv3 tokens and all new tokens were created v4 to begin phasing out APIv3. In the days following the decommission of APIv3, customers who had been identified as having APIv3 keys still in-use (e.g. attempting to communicate with our platform API) were sent courtesy tickets to alert them of the changes.

Given how long ago this had been announced and implemented, I'm similarly having difficultly finding public announcements (short of digging deep through our API Changelogs). Within that vein, I believe some older guides/Blogposts containing references to that change may not have migrated from Docs >>

That said, I was able to find our "Upgrade APIv3 to v4" guide using the Wayback Machine archives. This guide contains information about syntax changes v3 > v4, and this may serve as a helpful reference in combination with our general API documentation:


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