How do I install compiled latest Gentoo kernel

My linode computing instance is working fine (Gentoo distribution, Gentoo installation profile (profile-config show) is "[1] default/linux/amd/17.1 (stable) *"

My current kernel (uname …) is 6.1.32.
OK, I'd like to update it to the latest (6.6.52-gentoo) but was unsuccessful so far.

  • did, compile, etc, all stuff that works on my home PC, Gentoo
  • contacted linode Customer Support, but finally ended up with "Community"

The problem is kernel panic, so I can get back to my working instance with rescue, etc.

Kernel panic:
Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
Hardware name: Linode Compute Instance, BIOS Not Specified
[ end Kernel panice - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ]

The only difference I see from my home PC and linode are
(a) make install complains about Lilo, and does not put initramfs into boot
(b) my home PC /etc/portage/make.conf has a line GRUB_PLATFORM="efi-64", and my linode does not have /boot/efi directory

Any ideas, suggestions - Janos

1 Reply

Based on this StackExchange post, another user suggest that the LILO error can be ignored since LILO isn't one of our supported bootloaders.

Personally, I'm not very familiar with Gentoo administration, but I do know they have a robust Wiki, Community, and Reddit which may provide additional insight into compiling the kernel:

While searching for some resources, I also came across the following guides regarding the upgrading of Gentoo and its kernel, as well as a Reddit guide specifically regarding Gentoo on Linode:


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