✓ Solved

SSH picking up wrong IP address

Here are my current IP addresses for the new server I set up:

However, when I try to SSH into the server with my domain name, it searches for the following IP addresses and then times out:

The known_hosts file has the correct addresses, so where is my laptop pulling these wrong addresses from?

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

I waited another 13 hours and now the DNS has propagated across the Internet. It now is pulling in the right IP addresses.

To answer my own question, I think I need to wait for the URL's domain name system (DNS) to propagate across the Internet. It's partly propagated since I get the right IP addresses with the nslookup, but it must not be fully propagated.

With some DNS records, you can speed up propagation by lowering to TTL (Time To Live).

I can see you've already resolved this, but figured this might help someone else out in the future.


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