How do I retrieve page sof a website that was hosted on Linode

How do I retrieve pages of a website that was hosted on Linode

1 Reply

I responded to your other question about recovering an old site and I think what I shared there can apply to web pages as well.

If you have our Backups Service enabled and the site is recent, you should be able to deploy a backup to a new instance. From there, you can find the content of your website, likely in somewhere in /var/www/ and transfer any needed files to your regular instance.

You may also be able to recover an old site using the Wayback Machine. If your site was crawled on a day that it looked like what you want to recover, you can navigate to any pages you want to save. You can right click and choose inspect to view the website's code or copy any text or images from the site that you want to recover. You can then use that to recreate your site using whatever steps you originally used to set up your website.


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