Move DNS management to linode, keeping original registrar cum email providers email intact


I have a domain from a website cum email hosting service.

I would like to move my DNS records management, for the domain, to linode for use with my vps at linode. However, I want the email and hosting functionality to continue to be serviced by the original service.

So, specifically, if I change the NS records to point to linodes name servers what else needs to move to linodes DNS management?

mail, mx, webmail, pop, imap, @, *, NS, SOA, etc? what stays with existing provider and what moves to linode?

Many thanks!

1 Reply

The only things that need to change are:

  • Pointing NS records to Linode's nameservers, and
  • You will need at least one service at Linode (e.g. a compute instance) in order to create domain records on Linode's platform.
  • You can then create A/AAAA/mx, and whatever other types of domain records you need to manage in the DNS Manager.

A full list of steps needed to manage DNS records on our platform while maintaining services on another platform can be found in this older Community Site post:

It is pretty straight-forward, and that Community Site post also has links to references in Linode's official documentation.

I hope that helps!



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