How Do I Configure MySQL for Remote Access? for new version (2024)

I am trying to access my MySQL connection from Linode using my DataGrip IDE, but it always says 'connection timed out' or 'connection refused.' I've spent almost 15 hours and still haven't found a way to access it. I've tried everything, such as configuring the firewall, granting privileges, and allowing IP addresses and ports, but I still can't connect.

The steps I followed are: I got the public IP from the Linode manager, entered it into DataGrip as the hostname, used the MySQL root username and password I configured initially, and provided the database name. However, I still get the same connection issues as mentioned above.

1 Reply

DataGrip has its own troubleshooting guide for issues Connecting to a Database so that may be the best place to start.

If you're not sure if the issue is on our side, you can start with our troubleshooting guides instead:

Troubleshooting Firewalls
Troubleshooting Web Servers, Databases, and Other Services
Troubleshooting Basic Connection Issues

I know these are general guides, but without more specific information about what steps you've taken troubleshoot, it's hard to provide a more concrete answer. If you get any additional information while going through those guides, feel free to share them and hopefully someone in our Community can follow up.


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