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How to host high availabilty wordpress webiste on linode with LEMP stack and Ubuntu?

How do I host a high-availability WordPress website on Linode with a LEMP stack where I want to use Ubuntu as the flavor of choice?

I have a website on Linode and it went down for various reasons. Also, want to optimize the usage of linode so as not to burn a hole in my pocket.

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✓ Best Answer

I think our Introduction to High Availability is a great starting point. It covers the characteristics of a HA setup, which includes:

  • Redundancy
  • Monitoring
  • Failover

If you'd like to try to recreate that setup, our guide to Hosting a HA website might be helpful. While there is a lot happening in that guide, with FS and Database clusters, load balancing, and failover, you can then choose how you want to try to incorporate these elements to fit within your budget. Here are some things you can do that are less complex than the full HA setup in those guides:

  • One easy way to help increase redundancy is to clone your server and use both servers as backends behind a NodeBalancer. This spreads requests to the backends (based on your configuration) which can stop one server from being overloaded. Additionally, if one server goes down, the NodeBalancer can push traffic to the one that's up.

  • You can also configure failover between 2 instances using IP Sharing.

  • For monitoring, you have a of options, ranging from configuring email notifications for resource usage on your server to deploying system monitoring applications. Knowing there is an issue with your server so that you can actively troubleshoot can definitely help. Our Managed incident response may also be an option for monitoring from our side depending on your needs and budget.


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