Maintenance: dallas38+47,host56,fremont34,atlanta28+29

Maintenance is scheduled for dallas38, dallas47, host56, fremont34, atlanta28, and atlanta29.

This reboot will update the hosts to our latest Xen configuration and potentially fix a hypervisor crash that we've seen a few times.

Maintenance will begin at:

****9:00 p.m. Thursday March 6, 2008 (EST)

2:00 a.m. Friday March 7, 2008 (UTC)****

We'll be doing one machine at a time, so please allow about an hour window for the actual reboot to initiate. Your Linode will be gracefully shut down, the host will be rebooted, and then your Linode will be rebooted. We expect 10-15 minutes of downtime per host.


3 Replies

thanks for the notice!

Thanks for the heads up!


UPDATE: We've postponed this until further notice. There will be no reboots occurring on date above.

With the hypervisor crash on dallas52 yesterday and the subsequent call trace, Keir was able to identify and fix the bug. Now we just need to wait for him to backport it to Xen 3.2.0 (or tell me where to find it)…



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