How do I use SELECT INTO OUTFILE on Managed Database?

We're in the process of ramping up to migrate from a self-hosted strategy to a cloud strategy. In doing that, we thought we might use the managed database service instead of hosting MySQL on its own standard-Linux VM.

One of the things our developers do somewhat regularly is to do "SELECT INTO OUTFILE", along with a tool that fetches the OUTFILE (so they don't have direct access to to the operating environment of the database server itself).

Is that possible in the managed database server or would I need to replicate the current environment of a regular Linux VM with limited login access?

4 Replies

I wanted to add that our Managed Database service is currently paused, so you won't be able to deploy that service if you're a new customer.

If that's the case, it may make more sense to wait until we roll out our new product at some point in the future to see what the technical limitations may be.

That said, there are options to deploy database clusters with our Marketplace Apps that may make recreating your current setup a little easier.

It's less about "backing up the database" as it is "There's a number of rows, a subset of columns of which need to be grabbed as CSV and sent to some other place for processing."

But, as it turns out, the developer who has to deal with it just decided to handle the conversion to CSV in code instead and make things easy. :-)

Thanks for the link, I will check it.


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