The Server didn't started

Hello the server(centos 7) couldn't start and "give root password for maintenance (or press Control-D to continue):"
1)when pressing Control D
Authorization not available. Check if Polkit service is running or see debug me. I checked Polkit service didn't running.
2)Entered the root password for maintenance mode: I was able to log in, but I could not identify or fix the underlying issue.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue as soon as possible? If there are any additional steps I should take or if there is a need for further diagnostics from your end, please let me know.

Thank you

1 Reply

I'm not particularly familiar with this error myself, but I did some research and it seems to be pointing to an issue with your filesystem. According this forum post, there could be an issue with your root system, files missing in /etc/fstab, or a misconfigured disk controller. You may want to review this forum post further because it provides some insightful step-by-step instructions that could assist you further depending on what issue you're observing with your system.

In another forum post, this issue could have occurred due to your server not shutting down properly and the journal on your disk has encountered an issue. It was suggested that you run fsck on your disk. In this article, it was also suggested that you repair your filesystem.

To investigate further, I would checking out some of the guides I have included above. It may also be worth looking through your Polkit service log files for any signs of issues there:

Lastly, I recommend running a filesystem check following the guide below. This will locate any errors within the filesystem and attempt to correct them:


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