Will my charge be taken from my promotional credit just before it expires?

My $100 credit expires 2025-01-01, and as far as I'm aware, we are invoiced at the end of each month.

If I have a charge for 2024-12, will the invoice at the end of 2024-12 come off of any remaining promotional credit? Or will that not work, since it expires 2025-01-01?

1 Reply

Invoices are generated on the first of every month to retroactively capture all service usage in the previous month. This means that all of your Linodes deployed during December (12/01/2024 through 12/31/2024) will be displayed and charged on January 1st, 2025.

Although your promo would otherwise expire on January 1st, any remaining credit will automatically be applied towards that invoice. This is because the promo credits are covering usage during the time the promo had previously been active.

For more generalized info about billing on our platform, be sure to review our general Billing Docs and FAQ guides:


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