How to upgrade CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9 ?

How to upgrade CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9 ?

I try with dnf update -7 for step one but show me error:

[root@xxxxx ~]# dnf update -y
CentOS Stream 8 - AppStream 10 kB/s | 280 B 00:00
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'appstream':

best regards

1 Reply

There is no supported in-line upgrade path to go from CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9 that I could find. Instead, I'd recommend upgrading using the Clean Install method.

That involves deploying a new instance using CentOS Stream 9 and then moving your data over there before deleting the old Linode.

While you may be able to change the repo used in order to update your current distribution, I wasn't able to find a good resource to share to help you with that. If you migrate to a supported distribution, that may not be needed.

Whatever path you choose, I strongly recommend Backing Up Your Data before moving forward.


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