Getting your Linode's Backups into a single directory tree, a volume, or off-site

Linode Staff

Set your Linode's Backups free!

  • Need to get your all of your Linode's backups out of cold storage?
  • Want them in a single directory so you can search for what you are looking for?
  • Want a copy of your backups in a Volume?[1]
  • Want a copy of your backups off-site?[2]


  • A source Linode with backups
  • A disposable staging Linode, the same size as the source Linode, in the same data center as the source.
  • A Linode API token with read/write access to Linodes

Here is a StackScript that will do it:

[1] Mount your volume on /backup on the destination Linode before running the script
[2] Run the script from a Linux system wherever you would like to collect the data.

1 Reply

This looks great! Thanks for sharing.


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