✓ Solved

How can I see the base monthly price for each of my different linodes?

I have multiple linodes, of different types. Without having to make a spreadsheet and go and look up the base monthly prices again, is there a way to get a report or something?
Ideally this should be on the "Linodes" page of the main dashboard alongside the Plan and Region but, sadly, it is not.

(I appreciate that the true cost is not always as simple, but an indicative value for each created node would be very useful.)

Any suggestions welcomed!

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Depending on how often to delete or create nodes, it might be helpful to use the API or CLI to look at the most recent invoice. You can first list invoices to get the invoice number and then use that number to get specific information about the cost.

List Invoices
List Invoice Items
Getting Started with the Linode CLI
Getting Started with the Linode API

While there are ways to clean up the API output, the CLI lists this information in a nice little chart and I personally find it easier to use once it's set up.

While that will only give you past information, there are also ways to use the API to see general costs if you've recently added a new server that isn't yet in the invoice. For that, you can list your Linodes to see which type you have that wasn't invoiced yet, and then use the get type endpoint to see how much a Linode of that type costs.

You could probably write a script that gets this information for you in a way that works for your needs using those API calls.

Thanks CassandraD, that's a very useful alternative.


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