Burst Rendering Cloud
I was wondering if it was possible to setup a burst rendering setup? I would want a machine setup that I can for instance create 20 cpu or gpu rendering machines and then once the render is complete kill the machines.
We use something similar at work through aws but wanted to know if it was possible with linode? If so are there any guides on how to set this up?
1 Reply
I'm not familiar with Burst Rendering, but it sounds like you want the ability to programatically spin up a bunch of powerful servers and delete them when you're done using them. If that sounds right, then I have some ideas.
You should be able to use our API or CLI in a script to create and delete nodes that meet your needs. In the past, I've recommended a few different options like StackScripts, the Metadata service, or images to easily create servers that you've preconfigured for what you want to do.
Using Terraform to build infrastructure may be helpful for you as well. If you're familiar with using Kubernetes for something like this, our LKE service may be another way to go.
One caveat here is that our GPU plans are in limited supply at the moment, though we're hoping to improve that in the near future. We do have more availability of Dedicated or Premium CPU if those work for you.
Because of hourly billing, these services would accrue charges from the time you created them until you deleted them. You'd want to be sure that they were deleted to avoid accruing charges when not in use.
If I've misunderstood, please feel free to share more about what you're looking for and hopefully someone in our Community can help.