High CPU load

I have been gettin a very high CPU load recently (165% avg.) and i can't understand why.

Any help would be grateful.


1 Reply

The preferred method to gain insight into high CPU usage is to use top or htop while it's in a high CPU usage state. This will help you get a clear picture of the likely culprit. I have included some helpful links regarding how to use top and htop. See below:

Depending on your Linode plan, the allowed CPU usage may vary. For example a Shared 32GB plan has 8 cores, which allows you to use up to 560%(80% per core for a Shared plan) sustained usage over a 24-hour period without any adverse consequences. That said, if you're receiving Notification Threshold alert emails regarding your CPU usage that's lower than CPU percentage of your plan, you can customize those alerts:

Also if you find that your workload consumes more resources than you expected, consider upgrading to a larger plan:


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