How to configure Cloudflare with NodeBalancers?

Hi, I am just new on using node balancers. Currently, my setup is like this. I have only one node (planning to add 2 or 3 more), in my node balancer. And on cloudflare I pointed the A and AAAA records to my node balancer's public IP address both v4 and v6.

My node balancer is configured this way.

Port: 80
Protocol: HTTP
Algo: Round Robin
Session Stickiness: HTTP Cookie

The domain in cloudflare is already fully propagated, but accessing the domain on browser, it gives me a "Web Server Down" error.

Please help. Thanks!

1 Reply

What you've described is how I how one of my own NodeBalancers configured through CloudFlare, so this sounds like your backend Linode is experiencing issues serving the requested content. In order to trace back the issue, I would do the following:

If you are able to access the content directly through the Linode and NodeBalancer, this then suggests an issue with your CLoudFlare DNS entry or Proxy settings. I would encourage you to pick up at step 3 of the guide below:


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