Are you experiencing any slowdowns on the Linode servers?

API communication and Linode servers have been unrelentingly slow for a couple of hours now.
Tests on our test servers cannot run now because of the slow communication.

1 Reply

I did notice that around the time that you created this community post, there was a maintenance ongoing for Cloud Manager, API, and CLI which could correlate to the delays in API calls that you've observed:

Network or Routing Issues

Are you still experiencing a delay in your API calls? It would be helpful if you could let us know what API calls you're attempting to run and at which data center. This would help us deduce if there is connectivity issue between your location and the Linode. You can run bidirectional MTR reports between your Linode and local machine while the issue is ongoing.

# From your Linode (replace “$localIP” with your local machine’s IP address):
mtr -rwbzc 100 $localIP
# From your local machine:
mtr -rwbzc 100 $linodeIP

In case you're unfamiliar with MTR reports I'm including some documentation below that should serve as a step-by-step guide:

If you notice packet loss or high latency from our network (AS63949) or an adjacent network, you may want to raise a Support ticket and provide these MTR reports for further assistance. If you notice any issues within your ISP’s network or a network in transit, however, be aware that we may be limited in the type of assistance that we can provide.

API Limits

I'd recommend reviewing our API's listed rate limits and ensuring that any scripts or automation you have in place that use our API would not be hitting those limits. If so, this would definitely cause extended periods of wait time until the rate limit window is reset.


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