Rebooted an ubuntu cPanel server and the IP changed

This is an odd new experience for me.

I'm running an ubuntu cPanel server based on the image available. I have managed, for auto backups and that includes a cPanel license. The licence is assigned and validated against the server IP address.

The linode has its own IP address as normal, but there are some additional IP addresses assigned to that linode, which are then handled within cPanel/WHM as IP addresses for specific hosted sites dedicated IP for SSL/Mail sending etc. with RDNS setup.

Today doing some routine updates and a reboot everything went wrong.

On reboot, the cPanel/WHM server reported it was unlicensed. And on inspection the IP address being validated against for a licence has changed, for some reason the server is using one of the IP addresses for one of the specific sites.

Checking in WHM > Basic WebHost Manager® Setup >
Basic Config the IP address is correctly entered as the server IP

Running curl -L from the terminal gets me the IP address of the specific hosted sites.

I can't understand how this will have changed. And I need to put it back to be the correct 'server IP' not for one of the hosted accounts.

Has anyone experienced this before?

I've raised a support ticket (and well aware I can't raise tickets with cPanel directly any more which is quite frustrating).

1 Reply

If you are using Network Helper, that could be the problem. Because a CPanel license is tied to an IP, usually the first one you had on the server before adding others, you'll want to make sure the server IP and the licensed IP are the same, and that the gateway configuration uses that same IP. If you recently rebooted, it's possible that Network Helper changed the configurations to make a different IP the gateway. If that's the case, you can Disable auto-configure networking and Manually Configure the Networking.

I can't say for sure, but I think it would help to make sure the gateway matches the desired Server IP (which will be in /etc/systemd/network/ if you used our Marketplace App and you started with Network Helper on). You can get the Gateway for each IP from the Networking tab in Cloud Manager for your server.

On the other hand, if your Linode was cloned from an old server, it's possible the networking is using old configurations somehow, so you'll want to check all of the relevant configurations to make sure that no files reverted to those of the server you cloned. Enabling Network Helper by choosing the auto-configure networking on your configuration profile for that Linode and then rebooting could fix any IPs that aren't working.


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