✓ Solved

How do I pay with the $100 referral bonus offered to me?

When I went to pay for a few days service, I could either elect to pay with the card details I provided at sign up time or the GPay/PayPal option but not with the $100 bonus I got for being referred. How do I choose and make use of that $100. Thanks in advance.

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

As long as your promotional credits have neither been fully depleted nor have expired, they will automatically be applied towards your invoices before your card on-file has been charged. We bill for services retroactively based on the hourly or monthly maximum cost (whichever is lower) and we do not allow promotional credits to be used as a "proactive" manual payment.

For more information about our billing practices, be sure to review the following documentation:

Ok that makes sense, I have ~60 days to avail of it and will allow the first billing cycle to complete naturally and it will take from the $100 referral balance. Thanks for the prompt response.

Thank you so much for the answer.


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