Refferal expires in 60 days - but no way to spend it?

Hi, sorry for everything but… I have hosting unlimited but I was told that for what I want to run (something svelte node thing, not sure) I need to get Linode, cheapest option. I have no clue what is Linode but if it is needed, ok. Fine.

I was told I will get 100$. I got them. All fine. Its been a month now and it took 2$ from that 100$.

Now I see that amount will expire in 30 days meaning I only get 4$ from the 100$, is that correct?

Is there anything that can be bought or maybe use it for one year linode, is there anything I can do so those 96$ are not just wasted.

I paid for the svelte thing and 100$ referral was important part of that in my calculations of budget. I was not aware I will be only getting 4$.

Can anyone share some info what can be done.

Basically, I have a website that is build in svetle and needs node (or something like that) and I need minimum space for hosting it.

Thank you!

3 Replies

Hi there!

The way our $100/60 day promotional credits work is that they expire once the full $100 is used or at the end of your first 60 days at Linode, whichever comes first. Unfortunately, after the expiration, any remaining credit will no longer be available.

Since you’ve only used $2 so far, you’re correct that there are 30 days left to use the rest of the $96 credit. The credits can’t be carried over or applied to a longer-term service like a one-year plan, but you can still take advantage of them by scaling your services within the remaining 30 days.

If you'd like, we can review your current setup and offer suggestions for how to maximize the credit before it expires based on your hosting needs.

Feel free to email or open a ticket within your Cloud Manager

Thanks for the info, I will keep it in mind.

To make the most of your $100, consider deploying your Svelte application quickly to utilize the funds before they expire. Explore Linode’s services that suit your project’s needs, and reach out to their support for any possible extensions or options. If that doesn’t work, look into other hosting services like Vercel or Netlify, which may better fit your budget. Good luck! I’m a college student, and I recently stumbled upon ukwritings. I was searching for reliable writing help, and I have to say, this site is a gem! The range of services they offer is impressive, from essays to dissertations. I ordered an essay, and it was delivered on time with great quality. If you need academic support, definitely give them a try. I’ll be using them for future assignments!


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