refusing to connect after complete shutdown and power on to reset password.

I tried to reset the password as well as to add a ssh key. To reset the password, the linode needs to be powered down completely. After booting up, I cannot access my airflow service at port 9090 anymore.
Any idea where the problem could be?

1 Reply

What probably happened was whatever service was running on port 9090 stopped after the reboot. You can think of this like most other services on your desktop or laptop-- if you do not specifically instruct an application or service to run upon boot, they usually do not.

I would recommend using something like systemctl to start/restart your airflow service:

Then try connecting again. If you are still experiencing connection issues for that application, then I would check your firewall settings. Some information on configuring your firewall can be found here:

If neither of those solve your issue, I would recommend checking your compute instance's log files:

I hope that helps!



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