Troubleshooting OpenLiteSpeed with Django and Daphne: Overcoming 503 Errors


I recently moved to OpenLiteSpeed Django and have my repository ready to be cloned. I have implemented Daphne to work smoothly with ASGI. However, I am encountering a 503 Service Unavailable error. I am unsure if OpenLiteSpeed can be used without PHP, as it seems to be waiting for PHP to run or is built to work within a PHP environment.

What I Have Tried

  1. Setup:
  • Cloned my repository and set up everything needed for OpenLiteSpeed.
  • Created a Daphne service file and configured it to create a socket file for OpenLiteSpeed to communicate with.
  • Ensured all permissions are set correctly, and verified that the OpenLiteSpeed user "nobody" can access the socket file.
  1. Logs:
  • Checked all logs (access, error, debug) but found no useful information.
  • The only consistent issue is the 503 Service Unavailable error.
  1. Configuration:
  • Removed the Example app block code from the hosts_config.conf file.
  • Tested the syntax with the -t command, and no errors were found.


Can I use OpenLiteSpeed without PHP for my Django app? If not, what could be the best alternative to OpenLiteSpeed that works with ASGI apps and Daphne.

1 Reply

I was looking into this and from what I can tell, OpenLiteSpeed (at least in their own documentation) needs PHP in order to run properly:

Did you happen to look at the following page on troubleshooting this error on OpenLiteSpeed's docs page?

As far as alternatives go, there are a number of them:

I use NGINX a lot, and from what I have seen, NGINX is ASGI compliant. Just doing some googling I have seen a few posts on people talking about this sort of stuff:

I hope that helps!



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