Linode blocked by UPS ?

Hello, none of my linode server is from today able to get auth token from UPS. Servers outside linode network works fine. Is linode blocked by UPS ?


1 Reply

Linode Staff

We haven't had reports of other users being blocked by UPS. It would be helpful if you could provide some sort of error code that you're observing on your end if this occurring across multiple servers of yours. If your services are working as intended and there is only one destination that is unreachable, the issue is usually with that destination. With the limited information provided:

Your best paths to a resolution will either be:

  • Communicating with UPS to determine why your traffic from these locations is not being authorized. This is most likely the best path to resolve this.
  • Changing your IP address in an attempt to find an address that can communicate.You could clone a server and then migrate that clone to a new data center in order to further troubleshoot your issues connecting to UPS.


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