Uploaded a Cert to a bucket but is not picked up

So I purchased a cert for images.bellepetale.com and uploaded it to a bucket based on these instructions

However when I go to https://images.bellepetale.com/Main_Right.jpg, it doesn't show my cert, the fingerprints don't match and the cert shows it is for us-sea-1.linodeobjects.com by Let's Encrypt when my uploaded cert is for images.bellepetale.com.

Linode says this is outside their scope of support, but it seems to me the upload tool is not putting my cert on there even though it says it is.

1 Reply

If you go to the SSL/TLS tab of your bucket, does it show a "Remove Certificate" button? If not, the SSL certificate hasn't been uploaded/applied to the bucket.

Apart from that, everything else looks OK, including the CNAME entry.


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