WP and SSL domain name issues

Can you please help me?

I'm a pretty handy Wordpress user but I'm new to working with Linode.

  • I created a new Linode and installed OpenLiteSpeed Wordpress following these directions.
  • I then added the Linode Nameservers to my domain registrar's record (at hover.com), added the domain to the Domains page, and connected it to my Linode.
  • Finally, I changed the URL settings in the Wordpress admin.

Now that the data has propagated, the site loads, but I get an SSL warning since the certificate is from "162-216-18-166.ip.linodeusercontent.com".

This is all beyond my experience. Can someone point me in the right direction?

4 Replies

I suspect the section "If you did not enter a custom domain, a TLS/SSL certificate is configured on the rDNS domain instead" in the guide is relevant -- unfortunately the current certificate is for the Linode's rDNS name.

If you did enter a custom domain at this stage, it may be that the Marketplace install is faulty:

I figured as much, @davepattern. The question is, what do I do about it now? How can I reproduce the certificate in the correct domain name?

Depending on your OS, maybe look at Certbot to issue a new certificate. It's unclear from the guide what is being used to generate the certificate, so Certbot may already be installed.

Thank you so much for the suggestion.


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