How do I move my nextcloud setup to a subdomain?


I have a domain that I brought over from Google Domains (Now squarespace) and I set up an Ubuntu-based Linode to host a Nextcloud instance and everything works great. (I.e. I can log into the Nextcloud portal and use its services on my phone and through my web browser etc) if I use the "main" domain of

Now I realize that I might want to use the "main" domain for something else like setting up an actual website or a public blog or something so I want to move my NextCloud instance from to or

How do I do this?

As an additional wrinkle, I set up an SSL cert through Let's Encrypt and tied it to the main domain of Do I have to get another SSL cert for the subdomain?

1 Reply

I found an older post that looks like it deals with this use case:

If you end up needing to edit SSL entries, you may also find this guide useful:

And specifically for setting up subdomains:

I hope that helps!



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