Urgent Request for Refund Due to Misunderstanding of Billing Practices

Hi Linode Team,

However, I would like to express that I was genuinely unaware that charges would continue to accrue for stopped services. Had I known, I would have deleted the services earlier, as I do with AWS EC2, where charges stop when services are stopped.

Our startup is currently in a challenging position, and this misunderstanding has resulted in unexpected charges that have impacted our ability to proceed with our plans. We are planning to redeploy on Linode, but we urgently need a refund for the charges from March to August to make this possible.

I understand that your team has policies in place, but I kindly ask for your understanding and support in this situation. Without the refund, we may be forced to reconsider our business plans, which could significantly impact our ability to grow.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope we can find a resolution that supports our startup's future.

Best regards,
Anish Singh

1 Reply

Refunds outside of positive balances (over payment) or our 7 day cancellation policy will be considered at the discretion of Support and cannot be guaranteed in all situations. This is not something that can be handled on the Community Site, so you should open a ticket with Support if you have not done so already.

For more information and clarification regarding how we bill for service, I would encourage you to review the following billing guides:


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