can i find last month total global outbound traffic?

I made temp linode for 2 weeks on last month, and i deleted after.
And suddenly I wanna check total traffic usage of last month

I cant fint it on invoice, and linodes page display only current month

1 Reply

Although this information isn't presented within Cloud Manager, previous months' usage of active Linodes can be gathered through the use of our API tooling:

The basic command syntax would be:

curl --request GET \
     --url$LINODE_ID/transfer/$YEAR/$MONTH \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header "authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Where you would replace the variables:

  • $TOKEN: Your API Token
  • $LINODE_ID: The Linode ID which can be recovered from your Invoice
  • $YEAR: 2024
  • $MONTH: 1-12 (7 for July)

Once any Linode has been deleted, this command will not work and will return the following message:

{"errors": [{"reason": "Not found"}]}


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