Is it possible to setup LKE in VPC/Subnet

I am trying to setup a k8s cluster on vpc/subnet.

Overall Design
A vpc with two subnets has been created: public-subnet and private-subnet.
The public-subnet will host proxy, vpn etc.
The private-subnet(s) will host database, MQ, Cache and the application micro services.

I am trying to create a k8s cluster on the private subnet. There seems to be no direct option to specify vpc or subnet. so I created the cluster and updated the eth0 to private subnet. This causes various network issues and the cluster becomes unusable. I guess that is to be expected as it is not a documented procedure.

The documentation that can be found related to "securing LKE" is:
But there is no documentation on how it can be configured to talk to vpc/subnets.

Is there any way to create k8s in the private subnet and enable the micro-services running k8s to access other resources like DB,MQ etc on the same private subnet using local ip?

This seems like a typical use case. Any help is much appreciated.

2 Replies

At this time LKE services aren't able to be conjoined with a VPC. Only Compute Instances can join VPC networks but I've taken note of your interest.

Our VPC service is still new so services to be added and new implementations are always being worked on. LKE services being apart of a VPC is one that's on our radar and I'm sure your interest will help push for completion. I'm not sure on when the completion will be but we'll make it known within our blog site when done.

In the meantime, there is a workaround that you can use, our VLAN product. You'll want to use a VLAN as a VPC. This will require some configuration changes on your end, but I've found a great walk through from another user who was able to accomplish a similar task using VLAN as a VPC: Private Networking for LKE Clusters and Dependent Systems Using VLANs on Akamai Cloud Compute.

Thanks for the link.


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