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New "London 2" region?

Just spotted that there's a new "London 2" region but, so far, no detailed info or announcements about it on the website.

Does anyone know if this is going to replace the "legacy" London data centre and what benefits it offers to existing customers (better hardware, etc)? It looks like "London 2" supports VPCs. Other than that, is it worth existing customers migrating across? Like others, I'd love to see UK-based Object Storage.

Any info would be much appreciated :-)

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Good find! Although we have not posted to our Blog at this time (*See edit below), we have released Melbourne and London-2 as new Core data centers. The Legacy London data center has been moved to Limited Availability which means that customers who hadn't previously deployed to that legacy site will be unable to do so now, suggesting that site may eventually be replaced.

These Core sites benefit from all the latest bells and whistles - VPC, Premium CPU plans, the latest gear. If this benefits you now, it might be worthwhile migrating sooner than later to get the full benefit of the new DC.

Edit: Blog Post announcing Melbourne and London-2 has been released:

If "London 2" supports Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), this could offer enhanced security and networking options for customers. For the most accurate information, I recommend reaching out directly to the service provider or consulting their official documentation @fnaf

Thanks for answering, I appreciate you.


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