My network interface is not showing. How do I correct this?

I have a dedicated linode with cpanel running on Alma Linux 9.4.

After my Linode was restarted I did not have network connectivity and I noticed that the network interface eth0 was down.

I started it using ifconfig eth0 up but then noticed that the interface did not get an IPV4 address.

Each time the linode restarts the eth0 interface is down with the same issue.

After disabling and reenabling Network-Helper the eth0 interface is not showing up in ifconfig.

eth0 is still in the /proc/dev list.

I am urgently looking for assistance in resolving this.


1 Reply

Network Helper should work for Alma Linux 9 generally. That said, there are times when something about a Linode's configurations can be at odds with that tool, and customers will need to manually configure the instance's networking.

I think the easiest thing to check here as a start is to make sure that when this happens NetworkManager is working and then make sure that Network Helper is writing the file correctly.

Network Manager

Check the status of NetworkManager

sudo systemctl status NetworkManager -l

If there is a status other than running, you can start/restart the service.

sudo systemctl start NetworkManager 


sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Network Helper (Auto-Configure Networking)

To see if Network Helper is writing to the correct file, you can run this:

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Based on what you shared, I would think the most important thing to look for in that file is a section that looks like this toward the bottom and look to make sure you IP address is there.

# IP assignment for eth0

While it's definitely a Network Helper issue if that's missing, I think it's probably worth trying to turn off the auto-configure networking feature and manually configure the networking either way. Here are some guides to help with that:

Without being able to see what's going on inside your server, I can't think of many other specific suggestions. I can say that our guide to Troubleshooting Connection Issues is a good starting point. I think the section of commands for CentOS 7, Fedora should work here.

If you feel like the issue is related to something on our end, feel free to open a Support Ticket sharing any relevant output from the troubleshooting commands in the above guide.


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