KVM not available

How can I activate kvm on my server?

1 Reply

KVM is our default hypervisor so your servers would already be using it if they are new.

If you want to run KVM yourself for nested virtualization, that's not something we currently support.

We don't currently have any Betas that would allow this, but it's certainly something we could offer in the future. You can sign up for Green Light beta program and then keep an eye out for communication from us and check in with the betas tab in Cloud Manager periodically to see if something new matches your goals.

I looked into the use cases for this to see if I could offer a workaround, but it sounds like there are lots of reasons for people use nested virtualization. If you can share your end goals with our team, we may be able to offer some other suggestions.

For example, some of the uses seemed to involve running different applications with set resource limits in the same compute instance, which is something you may be able to accomplish with a containerization system like Docker.

While it's not something we can provide today, I've passed along your desire for access to this in our internal tracking system to let the appropriate teams know this is something our customers would want. Hopefully it's something we can offer in the future.


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