✓ Solved

Linode not showing under Domains in Cloud Manager

I just created a linode with IP address that shows up under "Linodes" in the Cloud Manager, but not under "Domains". Why isn't it appearing under "Domains"?

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

"Domains" are for any domain names that you've registered. If you want your linode to be accessible via a domain name (rather than only via the IP address), you'll need to add a domain and then edit the relevant DNS records. For that to work, you'll also need be using Linode's nameservers (ns1.linode.com to ns5.linode.com).

For example, if you're running a website, you'll need to set the domain's A/AAAA record to be


Alternatively, the registrar you registered the domain name with should have DNS settings which you could use instead.

OK. I'm red-faced now. I'll add to your comment above. The solution was simple: Under "Domains", I needed to click the "Create Domain" button and enter the domain name.

I don't know why I thought the domain name should automatically appear in the "Domains" section when I created the server since it doesn't get entered anywhere when setting it up. So naturally, I had to create a domain name record to set up the name servers and enter the A and AAAA corresponding IP addresses.

It seems like complex problems are easy to solve. It's the obvious idiot problems that get in my way!


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