How do I fix the SSL Certificates after Swapping IPs of Linodes in the same data center?

I created a new Wordpress install on a new linode (50.x.x.x) and intentionally set it up in the same data center as a previous Wordpress instance running on a previous server (172.x.x.x). Through the Linode Domain manager I have 172.x.x.x redirect to a public domain such as I was hoping to take advantage of the Swap IP address feature to drop in an updated Wordpress website all while maintaining the 172.x.x.x redirect to

I created 50.x.x.x server, got the WP site update, and managed to successfully swap IP addresses. However doing so broke domain redirects and SSL certificates. After swapping the IP addresses I wasn't able to access either server due to browser security. The new 172.x.x.x server's SSL was throwing an error when the SSL was signed for 50.x.x.x and vice versa.

I tried updating the .conf files to account for the new server aliases and redirects and then running Certbot another time after the IP Swap but that was throwing different errors.

Any ideas?

1 Reply

Hey there,

While I have not personally adjusted an existing SSL cert from an old IP address to a new one, I know the SSL certs using Certbot can be a little finicky when interfacing with WordPress, so a little while back I wrote a guide on this topic here:

I'd recommend giving that a read, and if you have any follow-up questions let us know. If I understand your question correctly, it sounds like you probably just need to update the servername field in your wordpress.conf file.

Hope that helps!



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