Why is My Wordpress taking too much time to publish post.

Hello there,
I have Linode. Shared Cloud Hosting and my data center is in the USA. I am using my website in India. My question is My WordPress takes too much time to publish the post. I have optimized the WordPress theme and support says the Server is also working fine. Is there any answer to my question?

1 Reply

Latency is an unavoidable aspect of computing, and the farther away you exist from your target endpoint, the more latency you will experience when you attempt to interact with it. Hosting your Linode in the US may be necessary if your target users are located near the Linode, but this will naturally increase your latency. Inversely, if you require faster responsiveness and don't care about end user experience, you could instead locate the server in Mumbai or Chennai.

In order to best determine your average speed/latency between yourself and any of our data centers, be sure to use our Speedtest Tool:

If you decide that you want to move your server, I would recommend cloning your existing Linode and then migrating it to a new Data Center. Be mindful that IP addresses are assigned to specific data centers, so you may need to update your DNS records if you deploy/migrate into a new region.


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