Help! Set up cloudron but pops up nginx

Absolute beginner here. I was following the video of this youtuber Network Chuck on setting up cloudron on linode. For him, he keys in an IP XXX.XXX.XX.XXX into the browser and a login setup prompt ups for cloudron. However, when i do the same, it pops up:
Welcome to nginx!
If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

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Thank you for using nginx.

How do i setup my domain setup on cloudron?

1 Reply

I reviewed NetworkChuck's video and saw that he deployed Cloudron through our Marketplace.

To replicate the issue you've encountered, I followed our Deploy Cloudron through the Linode Marketplace guide and created a Dedicated 4GB Cloudron Linode in our Atlanta data center.

After filling out only the required fields, I waited 10-15 minutes for the application to install. Once installed, I SSH'd into my Linode and verified the application was successfully installed with the following command:

grep -i 'installation complete' /var/log/stackscript.log

You should see an output like this:

grep -i 'installation complete' /var/log/stackscript.log
Installation Complete

Afterwards, the following prompts populated on my console:


Visit one of the following URLs and accept the self-signed certificate to finish setup.
  * Linode's IP address)

Cloudron overview -
Cloudron setup -

For help and more information, visit


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Akamai Connected Cloud Cloudron Marketplace App
Credentials File: /home/$Your_user/.credentials
To delete this message of the day: rm /etc/motd

The Cloudron setup dashboard is served at the IP address of the Linode server. For example, it should look something similar to this:

You'll need to replace the IP address with values of your Linode server. From there, I was able to successfully access my Cloudron Dashboard without a Welcome to Nginx message.

Based on what you've observed, it seems that you did not properly installed Cloudron or used our Marketplace application to deploy it. I recommend reviewing the following guide for proper guidance:

Should you run into any issues, I recommend reviewing the following Community post on troubleshooting a Marketplace app:


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